Slow calculation

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Slow calculation

Post by Karl »

Hi, a Wufi Pro we support user got a new laptop and the calculation now runs slower than on her previous iMac running Parallels. The new laptop is a HP Zbook with a 12th Gen Intel i7-12700H and 32GB RAM. The iMac is 4 years old. On the new laptop the calculation takes 3 minutes 51 seconds and on the iMac it only takes 51 seconds. Quite a big difference. This is running the same procedure on the exact same file with Wufi 6.6.

Any suggestions as to what we can look at to troubleshoot this issue?
Christian Bludau
WUFI SupportTeam IBP
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Re: Slow calculation

Post by Christian Bludau »

Hi Karl,
there are two reasons coming into my mind which may cause that.

1) Energy settings: Laptops often are set to save energy and do that by reducing the CPU speed. Please check the settings and make sure, that the laptop is connected to the power supply.

2) Multicore overhead: By default WUFI Pro only uses one core for calculation. If the project uses multiple cores, that may cause an overhead and slow down the calculation. Please check the number of cores set in your project. For that "Options -> Show extended numerical settings" has to be enabled. Then you can find the number of cores to be used in the project tree under "Project -> Control -> Numerics -> Numerical Parameters -> Extended...". See the maximum number of threads to be used. Here the checkbox "Use extended options" can be unchecked for direct comparison of speed using one core. This is also related to: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2005

Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Aug 30, 2022 4:32 pm -1100

Re: Slow calculation

Post by Karl »

Thank you Christian, I will try your suggestions and report back. :)
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